Monday, December 22, 2008

Death to Verizon's Billing Practices!!!!

Ok, so today I received my Verizon bill, and let's gerneally say that i now officially HATE their billing policies. Therefore, I'm looking for a class action lawyer who might be drooling over the possibility of suing Verizon for unfair billing practices. Know any?

The reason... Did you know that Verizon charges you regular airtime minutes for calling your voicemail, customer service and the payment system from your mobile phone? It's not considered IN-Network calling, even though you're calling their help lines. Often times, these minutes can cause regular plan overage, at the rate of $.40 per minute! 

That could result in millions earned every month on the backs of responsible plan users who never would have known! Arg!

So, if you're a class action lawyer, or know of a good one, let me know!


Dylan Breslin-Barnhart said...

Chris, I'm sorry to hear that it sounds like you're having some problems with Verizon (to say the least). In lieu of the class action lawsuit you discuss, you might want to check out a website that cuts down the average consumer's cell bill by 22 percent. Thousands of wireless subscribers are locating and eliminating unnecessary charges by having their cell bills analyzed through by a company that I work for called Validas. By uploading your bill, you can find out for free if you're one of the eight in ten wireless customers paying more than you need to. If you choose, Validas provides a highly detailed and personalized adjustment report that, for five bucks, is emailed to your wireless provider in industry specific format in order to implement Validas's cash saving changes to your plan. If Validas can save you more than $5 on your bill (the average customer currently saves $482 annually through Validas), then this obviously provides a cost effective remedy for reducing cellular expenses.

Validas is becoming known as the preeminent advocate for the wireless consumer. Check out a feature about Validas on The Big Idea with CNBC's Donny Deutsch at Validas has also been profiled in the New York Times and Business Week.

Happy holidays, and good luck dealing with the Verizon expenses.


Phil said...

yeah that sounds pretty sketchy to me